SONI Consultation Paper: Demand Connection Code Modification

Closed5 Oct, 2023, 16:00 - 16 Nov, 2023, 17:00

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In accordance with the Guidance for Modifications to the Grid Code which can be seen at SONI are required to consult on Modifications to the Grid Code. SONI are consulting on a modification to bring the requirements originated in the EU Network Code Demand Connection Code into the SONI Grid Code.

The EU Network Code Demand Connection Code is one of 3 Connection Codes which form a part of the Network Codes. It seeks to provide a clear legal framework for grid connections and facilitate electricity trading whilst ensuring system security, facilitating the integration of demand side system services and ensuring a more efficient use of the network. The DCC entered into force on 7th September 2016.

SONI are seeking responses to the Demand Connection Code Modification which can be viewed below. We would like to thank all stakeholders and interested parties who respond to this consultation. 

Consultation responses not made directly via the consultation portal can emailed to or via post to Grid Code Governance, SONI Ltd, 12 Manse Road, Belfast, BT6 9RT.

The consultation is open from 5 October 2023 and closes on 16 November 2023.

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grid code modification
grid codes