Mid Antrim Upgrade

Closed17 Jul, 2023, 09:00 - 9 Oct, 2023, 23:59

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What is the ‘Mid Antrim Upgrade’ project?

The proposed Mid Antrim Upgrade will strengthen the transmission grid in the Mid Antrim area, making it more resilient, which will save consumers money, as well as supporting Northern Ireland’s renewable ambition. The delivery will be essential in allowing more renewable energy sources to be connected to the grid and ensure a clean supply of secure electricity supply for everyone across Northern Ireland. The project will also ensure that clean energy generated in the North and West of Northern Ireland can be securely transported to towns and cities in the East, such as Ballymena, Antrim, and Belfast, where demand is greatest.


What is the study area?

The two maps below highlight the three proposed corridors of the new overhead line between the new substation at Terrygowan and Rasharkin and four potential switching substation sites of the new substation at Terrygowan. 



Why are we doing this?

To reduce the overload on the electricity system

Right now, there is a bottleneck on the Kells to Rasharkin line which means we can’t move that renewable energy around very quickly. This project will not only reduce congestion on the line and pave the way for more renewable energy to be generated, it will also save NI consumers an estimated £9.5m a year by 2030.

To increase the amount of clean energy transported into urban areas

Renewable energy is central to delivering a clean, low carbon electricity system, which will support Northern Ireland’s clean electricity target of at least 80% renewable energy generation by 2030. We need to double the amount of renewable generation connected to the grid today by 2030, to meet the Northern Ireland Executive’s Energy Strategy.

To strengthen the network

This project will help to improve the efficiency of the whole electricity system, making sure we have a more efficient, secure, and sustainable electricity supply.


Our 3-part process

We are committed to gaining your input on any decisions we make on our investment projects. Our three-part process puts stakeholder and public consultation at the heart of how we develop the transmission grid. By working together, we can create a stronger electricity system for Northern Ireland – with the least possible inconvenience to you. The Mid Antrim Upgrade project is now within Part 2 of SONI’s Grid Development Process.

Part 1: Identifying the optimum solution and what area may be affected. When we have thoroughly researched the potential solutions, we will have what we call ‘a best performing technology solution’.

Part 2: Identifying where the project will be built. Once we have examined all locations within the general area for the project, we narrow our choice to what we call ‘a best performing location’. At this point we provide opportunities for you to participate in the process and tell us what you think before we finalise the location.

Part 3: Planning application to project handover to NIE Networks. Should we receive a favourable decision from the planning authority, we will hand the project over for NIE Networks to construct and energise. We will continue to engage with local communities and landowners in the vicinity of the project, and make sure everyone is kept informed.

The Mid Antrim Upgrade project is now within Part 2 of SONI’s Grid Development Process.


What has happened so far?

This project has completed Part 1 SONI’s 3 Part Process for Developing the Grid. During Part 1, we looked at the area surrounding Ballymena, Creagh and Kells and considered all environmental, technical, and economic factors to identify the best area for the new infrastructure to go.

Part 2 has been divided into three subcategories, Parts 2a, 2b and 2c. Part 2a has been completed and it was an opportunity to introduce the project to the public, wider stakeholders by providing general areas of study. Part 2b, of which we are now commencing, will provide some further details on potential route maps and substation locations. Part 2c is the Pre-Application Community Consultation phase which is part of the statutory planning process.


What’s happening next?

As the project has now moved into Part 2b of SONI’s three-part process for Developing the Grid, during this process SONI will:

  • consider potential locations of the proposed new switching substation at Terrygowan  
  • identify the exact route of the new overhead line circuit, which is to be approximately 22km in length from the proposed substation in Terrygowan to Rasharkin. We are proposing to construct the new overhead line on mainly wooden poles with steel towers at challenging angles
  • identify the exact route of the proposed undergrounding of cabling for entry into Rasharkin substation and undergrounding of cabling into the proposed station at Terrygowan substation, subject to the design and location of the substation

During this process we will be engaging with local stakeholders to gain feedback on the proposals from those who live in the area. We encourage you to engage with us and have your say during the consultation period.

At the end of this part of the consultation process, we will publish a report outlining all the feedback received from local stakeholders.


How can I provide feedback to SONI?

There are many ways to get involved and provide feedback. These include:

 Making on online submission 

Provide written feedback by registering for a free account on this platform and make a submission using the link opposite. 
All submissions will be published for sharing ideas and information on this consultation.

  Attending one of our consultation days

Members of the project team will be able to discuss the proposed plans of the project with you:

  • Tuesday 1st August 2023 at the Ross Park Hotel, Kells, BT42 3LZ (2pm-7pm)
  • Thursday 17th August 2023 at The Bank, Portglenone, Portglenone, BT44 8HP (2pm-7pm)
  • Thursday 31st August 2023 at Rasharkin Community Centre, Ballymena, BT44 8RX (2pm-7pm) 

 By Email 

Email your submission to us at midantrimupgrade@soni.ltd.uk

 By Post  

Write your own submission and freepost it back to us at ‘Mid Antrim Upgrade Project, SONI, Castlereagh House, 12 Manse Road, Belfast, BT6 9RT’

You can follow us on LinkedIn – SONI Ltd or Twitter – @Soni_ltd or visit our project webpage at https://www.soni.ltd.uk/the-grid/projects/mid-antrim-upgrade/the-project/

We welcome your feedback up until Monday 9th October 2023.


Consultation Questions

Question 1: Out of the three identified overhead line corridors, do you have a preferred overhead line option that you would like SONI to consider?

Question 2: Out of the four identified switching substation sites, do you have a preferred switching substation site location that you would like SONI to consider?

Questions 3: Where stakeholders disagree with any of our proposals we ask that you provide comment for consideration.

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Q1. Out of the three identified overhead line corridors do you have a preferred overhead line option that you would like SONI to consider?
Q2. Out of the four identified switching substation sites do you have a preferred switching substation site location that you would like SONI to consider?
Q3. Where stakeholders disagree with any of our proposals we ask that you provide comment for consideration.